
Our classes


  • Chair yoga is our premier class and is by far the most popular class with our students. Why? This class will adapt a wide-range of traditional mat-based poses to the chair, giving you a variety of options on how to move the arms, torso, and lower body. No matter what physical ability you enter class with, there will ALWAYS be a modification that’s perfect for you, today, in your body. You will learn how to listen to your body and honor where you are, today. You will also learn how to explore the breath and how it affects the way you move. Meditation and pranayama (breathing practices) may also be explored. What are you waiting for?

    Sitting around only makes you stiffer – so come on over to chair yoga and get that body moving!

  • Easy Yoga is a mat-based class that is a bit easier than a traditional mat-based class in that we use a variety of props in order for you to feel the full effects of the practice. One thing we understand at Bella Buddha is that there are as many abilities and body types as there are hairs on your head, and a one-size-fits-all model is not where it’s at. You will be given the tools and instruction to move through your practice in a safe and fun way. Our students say that Easy Yoga “ain’t so easy!” You will be invited to challenge yourself, but learn to always honor your body. A strong emphasis on balance and core strength is incorporated. And yes, as always, the chair is a wonderful prop in this class.

  • "I know you can do more; but can you do less?" Step into a haven of tranquility with our Restorative Yoga class, a gentle and nurturing practice designed to provide deep relaxation, restoration, and a profound sense of well-being. In this sanctuary of stillness, you'll experience a therapeutic journey that aims to renew both your body and mind.

    Restorative Yoga is a unique practice that utilizes a variety of supported poses, props, and blankets to create an environment of comfort and ease. The emphasis is on passive stretching and gentle opening, allowing you to surrender to each pose and release tension from the muscles and connective tissues.

    As you recline into each restorative posture, you'll be guided to focus on your breath, promoting a state of mindfulness and presence. The extended duration of each pose, often several minutes, encourages a deep release of physical and mental stress, fostering a sense of renewal and rejuvenation.

    This class is suitable for all levels, including those recovering from injuries or seeking gentle practice. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, Restorative Yoga offers a space for self-care and introspection, allowing you to recharge your energy and reconnect with your inner sense of peace.

    Join us on the mat and indulge in the luxury of stillness, where the art of relaxation becomes a transformative experience. Our Restorative Yoga class is an invitation to let go, unwind, and embrace the healing power of deep rest, leaving you refreshed, revitalized, and ready to face the world with a renewed sense of calm and clarity.

  • Welcome to our Vinyasa Yoga class, a dynamic and fluid journey that synchronizes breath with movement to create a seamless, flowing practice. Vinyasa, often referred to as "flow" yoga, is a style that invites you to explore the beauty of continuous motion, fostering a harmonious connection between the body, mind, and breath.

    In this class, you'll be guided through a series of gracefully choreographed sequences, where each pose effortlessly transitions into the next. The flowing nature of Vinyasa encourages a mindful and meditative state, promoting a moving meditation that allows you to be fully present in the moment.

    The heart of Vinyasa lies in the breath. As you synchronize your movements with your breath, you'll experience a dynamic and energizing practice that not only enhances physical strength, flexibility, and balance but also cultivates a profound sense of inner awareness. The breath becomes a guiding force, leading you through a sequence of poses that can be adapted to various levels, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned practitioners.

    Vinyasa Yoga celebrates the diversity of movement, offering a creative canvas for self-expression within the structure of a class. Each session may present new sequences, challenges, and opportunities for growth, allowing you to explore the full range of your body's capabilities while fostering a sense of playfulness and joy on the mat.

    Whether you're seeking a vigorous workout, a meditative experience, or a blend of both, our Vinyasa Yoga class invites you to find your flow, express your inner vitality, and discover the transformative power of moving with intention. Join us on the mat as we breathe, flow, and embrace the beauty of Vinyasa Yoga.

  • Experience the transformative power of Vivation both in-person and virtually.

    Take this opportunity to "unstuck" yourself with Vivation, a physically pleasurable and revitalizing process that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, and empowered!

    Become a part of our supportive community and enjoy this amazing opportunity to transform your life.

    Sessions include a 30-minute lesson overview followed by a 1-hour guided session plus Q&A.

  • Welcome to our Yin Yoga sanctuary, a tranquil and introspective practice that invites you to surrender, release, and find stillness within. Yin Yoga is a gentle yet profound journey that focuses on long-held, passive poses designed to target the deep connective tissues of the body—tendons, fascia, and ligaments—allowing for a profound release of tension and a cultivation of inner awareness.

    In this class, you'll discover the transformative power of stillness as you settle into each posture, holding it for an extended period. The slow, meditative nature of Yin Yoga provides a counterbalance to the fast pace of modern life, offering a space to turn inward and explore the quiet depths of your being.

    Yin Yoga is not about effort but about surrender. As you soften into each pose, you'll find an opportunity to release physical and mental tension, promoting flexibility and a sense of ease. The emphasis on mindful breathing enhances the meditative quality of the practice, guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and fostering a connection between body and breath.


  • Welcome to our Chair Yoga with Weights class, a uniquely transformative fitness experience that seamlessly blends the accessibility of chair yoga with the added challenge of resistance training. This class provides a dynamic and inclusive approach to wellness.

    Integrating the use of weights into the practice adds an exciting dimension to the class. You'll engage in strength-building exercises targeting various muscle groups, enhancing your overall tone and endurance. The weights are used mindfully to intensify each movement, creating a balanced and well-rounded workout that supports both strength and flexibility.

    Throughout the session, you'll experience the benefits of traditional yoga—improved posture, enhanced flexibility, and a sense of calm—while simultaneously challenging yourself with the resistance of weights. The combination of these elements fosters a holistic approach to fitness that nurtures both the body and mind.

    Chair Yoga with Weights is not only a physical workout but also an opportunity for mindful movement. As you flow through the sequences, you'll be encouraged to connect with your breath, bringing a sense of mindfulness to each lift and stretch. This dual focus on strength and mindfulness creates a harmonious and empowering experience for all participants.

  • Welcome to our invigorating Yoga HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) class—a fusion of yoga and the dynamic energy of HIIT. This class is designed to elevate your fitness experience, providing a harmonious blend of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular conditioning.

    You will be led through a series of dynamic sequences, seamlessly transitioning between high-intensity intervals and yoga postures.

    You will be led through a carefully curated sequence of cardio and strength moves that seamlessly move into a tranquil yet strong yoga pose that builds strength, balance, and flexibility.

    The fusion of yoga and HIIT is not only physically demanding but also mentally empowering. You'll find moments of stillness and focus, allowing you to reconnect with your breath and center your mind, followed by bursts of energy that challenge your limits and push you towards new heights of fitness.

    Whether you're a seasoned yogi looking to intensify your practice or a fitness enthusiast seeking a well-rounded workout, our Yoga HIIT class caters to all levels. Bring your positive energy, an open mind, and a willingness to explore the synergy of two powerful disciplines.

    Join us on the mat and embark on a transformative journey that harmonizes the serenity of yoga with the exhilaration of HIIT—unleash your full potential and discover a new dimension of fitness.

Private classes

  • How nice would it be to take a yoga class with your friends – just your friends – on a day and time that works for you? With Pod Yoga, you can do that! Semi-private classes are now being offered at Bella Buddha. You pick the time, the style (Chair, Vinyasa, Easy, Restorative), and we’ll take care of the rest. Our space is set up to keep everyone socially distanced (6 feet apart between mats) and features a Hepa Air Purifier to keep the air you breathe safe and clean. You can breathe as deeply as your practice allows and know the air you breathe is pure. Wear something comfy, bring your own mat and any head-trips that may be harassing you that day, and we’ll get things started.

    Classes are a flat $80 per week (split the cost with your pals) with a 6-week commitment (We know things come up; it’s ok to reschedule or skip a week, so don’t worry about that long-weekend getaway.) Class is 75-minutes. A list of suggested props and accessories will be emailed to you (totally optional but include things like eye pillows and essential oils . . . mmmmm =)

  • 75-minutes // starting at $80

    By appointment only.

Class Prices + locations

Belmar Arts Center

608 River Road, Belmar, NJ

  • In-person classes: $15

  • Virtual classes: $10

Belmar Library / Recreation

Sept 1 - June 1
Taylor Pavilion
500 Ocean Ave N, Belmar, NJ

June 2 - August 31
Belmar Rec Center
503 7th Ave, Belmar, NJ

  • In-person classes: $5


Workshops by Bella Buddha Yoga
Events by Bella Buddha Yoga
  • Location: Prosperity Health Center, 952 Hwy 34, Suite 207, Matawan, NJ

    Dates: Friday 6:30-9:30, Saturday 9:30-6:30, Sunday 9:30-6:30 (weekend dates TBD)

    Price: Introductory rate of $695

    Description: In this 3-day intensive, we will explore Vivation on a deeper and more intimate level, diving deep into several Vivation sessions including Viving in Action, Eye Gaze, and Vivation with Music.

    What is Vivation? It is a physically pleasurable skill you can learn to permanently resolve any kind of negative emotion, stress, or trauma.

    The word “Vivation” takes its name from the Latin root vivé (to fully embrace life) and “-tion”, process of. Vivation – the process of fully embracing the total human experience of life.

    Created by Jim Leonard in 1979, Vivation is based on the premise that any feeling, whether physical sensations or emotions, can be fully healed and resolved entirely at the physically felt feeling level. This breakthrough in emotional healing was perfected years before methods like Wim Hof and Holotropic breathwork came onto the scene. Hundreds of thousands of people have experienced the benefits of Vivation, which include radically reduced stress, improved relationships, increased self-awareness, and a greater sense of well-being. Vivation is a safe and gentle way to heal emotional wounds and traumas, and it can be used by anyone who is seeking to improve their mental health and well-being.

    Drawing on pranayama–an ancient science focused on harnessing the power of breath, Vivation consists of Five Elements: Circular Breathing, Complete Relaxation, Awareness in Detail, Integration Into Ecstasy, and Do Whatever You Do, Willingness is Enough. Whether you're dealing with anxiety and stress, low self-esteem, or limiting beliefs about yourself, Vivation is a powerful tool that can help you unleash your full potential. So if you're looking to make lasting changes in your life, give Vivation a try. You may be surprised at just how transformative the power of breath can be.

    Imagine resolving anger, sadness, fear, or any other difficult emotion in just minutes – without years of therapy or medication. Imagine feeling emotionally free – able to experience happiness and well-being regardless of your external circumstances. That's the power of Vivation breathwork.

    It's all about autonomy.

    Vivation places strong emphasis on facilitating the emotional freedom and self-realization of its practitioners. Vivation’s primary ethic is your body is your guru. Vivation gives you the ability to heal yourself from the inside out anytime and anywhere you need it.

  • 4:30pm - 6:30pm
    Wednesday, February 28, 2024
    Belmar, NJ

    Ayurveda is yoga's sister-science. It derives from the Sanskrit words "ayur" (life) and "veda" (science or knowledge), thus translating into the "knowledge of life." In this workshop, we will take a look at how Ayurveda can help you not only have a restful Winter but a thriving and nourishing one as well. You will discover your unique "dosha" (individual makeup) and how Winter may specifically affect you. We will also explore Dinacharya (daily routine) for optimal health and wellness. Dress comfortably and in loose clothing as you will be using some oils on the skin and doing some light movement. Winter-nourishing Vegetarian snacks will be provided (along with the recipes), samples of daily massage oil (and other things) and a daily routine that will help you thrive. Bring a notebook and pen for some notes.


Check back soon for events offered by Bella Buddha Yoga.

Ready to start?